Monday 28 March 2016

Symptoms Women Should Never Ignore


Women across the globe struggle to balance their work, home, children, errands, etc. Their “to do” list never ends and in this hectic lifestyle, a large number of them end up ignoring the symptoms which might be an indicator of potential health problems. Here are 10 of the significant symptoms that women should never ignore.

Numbness in Wrists 

Numbness or tingling in your thumb, index or the middle fingers can often be a sign of carpal tunnel syndrome, which, if left untreated can lead to permanent nerve or muscle damage.

Breast changes

All breast lumps are not cancerous, but if you happen to observe any changes in your breasts, then you should let your healthcare professional know about it. The changes in your breasts include nipples that turn inwards, skin dimpling or puckering, scaling of nipples or breast skin and nipple discharge or redness.

Bloating or Gas

These are the common signs of menstruation or a change in diet. Although, it is a natural occurrence, but if the symptoms persist for longer then you may be at higher risk of ovarian cancer. It is therefore important to talk with your ob-gyn regarding these symptoms.

Vaginal discomfort and odour

Since this is a very personal matter for most women, hence most often they may be embarrassed to talk about it with their healthcare provider. It is therefore important to understand that the vaginal odour is the result of an unbalanced vaginal pH. Many women experience vaginal discomfort and odour and it can be managed through the vaginal gels. However, if the odour persists for longer or if it is accompanied with fever or any other symptoms, then you should not ignore it instead visit your doctor.

Skin changes 

If you observe any out-of-the ordinary change in the size, shape or color of a mole or other spots, then it could be a sign of skin cancer and therefore you should not ignore it. Additionally, unexplained bumps on the skin or feet that doesn’t go away or repeatedly come back should not be ignored.

Excessive urination

Excessive urination can be a sign of several underlying health conditions, including diabetes and uterine fibroids. They can be indicative of something could be wrong and hence it is suggested to get it checked out.


A constant toothache or prolonged sensitivity to cold and hot temperatures, pain when chewing or applying pressure to your teeth, swollen gums can be signs of infections which should never be ignored. Furthermore, toothaches and pains that require immediate attention should not be allowed to spread to the jaw or beyond.

Vaginal bleeding or discharge

If women who have gone through their menopause experience vaginal bleeding, then it is abnormal and could be a sign that something is wrong. It could be either indicating a hormonal imbalance or a uterine cancer or endometrical cancer. Any uncharacteristic discharge or a foul-smelling discharge should be taken seriously and you should consult a doctor immediately.

Sudden or unexplained weight loss 

Although weight loss is good for you, if you have made changes in your diet or have taken up any kind of physical activity to lose weight. However, if your weight is coming off without any effort, then it may be a cause of concern. The colon cancer is accompanied with unexplained weight loss, in this case a sudden or an abnormal weight loss, then it is important to consult with your doctor.

Flu-like symptoms

Symptoms like light-headedness, sweating, pressure or pain in the lower chest, back or abdomen and fatigue are often dismissed since they seem very much like the flu. However, in many cases, it might just be the flu, but in some cases, these symptoms can actually be signs of a heart attack.

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